Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

The All-on-4 is a go-to procedure for when a patient has missing teeth, bone atrophy, periodontal disease, or related issues. It is one of the most innovative teeth replacement options available and one of the most effective ones.

Working as a type of implant-supported denture that uses only four implants to replace a full arch of lost teeth, the All-on-4 procedure helps not only your smile appearance and oral health but also your overall well-being. Continue reading to learn even more benefits of All-on-4 dental implants.

Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Health Benefits:

It creates a healthier mouth and restores your mouth to a more natural state, reducing the risks of periodontal disease.
Each time you lose a tooth, the jawbone loses stimulation which may cause it to shrink. Dental implants stimulate bone growth to maintain the jaw structure.
You won’t Need a Bone Graft. This is usually required when the jawbone of the patient is too weak to support a dental implant. With All-on-4 implants, a bone graft is not required since the four implants are not limited to a particular location. The implants are placed at different points along the jaw where the bone is denser.
Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Stability, Better Function, and Easy Maintenance:

All-on-4 dentures will never fall out when eating or talking. The procedure uses four implants for each arch to secure a hybrid denture. The implants keep the prosthetic teeth anchored to the jawbone.
Thanks to the overdentures attached to the implant posts that are embedded in the jaw, you will be able to enjoy your favorite foods and even have more strength for chewing.
You can brush and clean the All-on-4 implants just as normal teeth, with no need to be removed. All you need to do is daily brushing and flossing and also visit your dentist regularly.
Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Quick Results and Procedure

Your dentist already has an overview of how to place the implants to support the entire arch of the teeth, so you will only need one appointment of a few hours to complete the process.

In a short amount of time, you will get fully functioning, new teeth. You will feel the improvements in teeth stability, chewing ability, and comfort right away!

Benefits of All on 4 Dental Implants

Appearance Benefits

All-on-4 dental implants can help you have a natural smile and even look younger.

All-on-4 implants create a permanent set of teeth with a non-removable implant-supported retained bridge. This means your dental implants never have to be removed, giving you a lifetime smile.

With All-on-4 dental implants, you will feel your new teeth as real teeth. The treatment will give you more comfort and confidence for smiling, speaking, eating, and living life to its fullest.